Michael shares tips with the MozCon Local 2017 audience around creating actionable SEO keyword reports.
Michael talked about creating and automating ranking reports for in-house and agency SEO practitioners alike. He touched on three different ranking report types: Keyword funnels, keyword topics, and keyword locations. He also showed a step-by-step process for getting all the relevant keyword data into Google Data Studio.
Michael gave a talk to the Association of Audience Marketing Professionals (AAMP) on how to centralize their reporting on social media performance using Google Data Studio. He talked about the pitfalls of the old social reporting process and manually exporting flat files and combining them in Excel and hoping your higher-ups didn’t ask for any more granularity in the data. He went on to outline the process of connecting social data to Google Data Studio and visualizing it in a variety of helpful ways.
Michael gave a talk to the marketers at Search Marketing Expo (SMX) West 2016 about connecting analytics platforms to CRM systems. He explained the process of setting up a User ID (UID) on the website, scraping it with a tag management platform, and sending it into your analytics and customer platforms from there. He went on to show what kind of reports you can generate once you get all those systems talking to each other; reports like lead status and lifetime value by traffic sources and landing pages.